Has not lettered in sports, you have to play at least one game during the season to letter therefore you get a letter for every season you play at least one game.
A football field is 5531.21 square yards.
Before calculating, it is easier to convert sizes to similar units, in this case, feet. 1 sq. mile = 5280 feet x 5280 feet = 27,878,400 sq.ft. 100 sq. miles = 27,878,400 sq. ft. x 100 = 2,787,840,000 sq. ft. 1 football field (including end zones) = 360 ft. long by 160 ft. wide = 57,600 sq.ft. 100 sq. miles divided by 1 football field = x x = how many football fields fit into 100 square miles 2,787,840,000 sq. ft. divided by 57,600 sq. ft. = 48,400 football fields Therefore, 100 square miles = 48,400 football fields However . . . If endzones are not included in the calculation, then the size of one field = 300 ft. x 160 ft. = 48,000 sq. ft. 2,787,840,000 sq. ft. divided by 48,000 sq. ft. = 58,080 football fields Therefore, 100 square miles = 58,080 football fields
400 sq. miles = 27,878,400 sq. ft. x 100 = 2,787,840,000 sq. ft.
At the office of human reaourses what does the sq abbreviation mean?
56,160 sq ft
-9 im in college now
25 sq feet is about a quarter of a football fild
Sq yds!
Do you mean 160 square inches? 1 sq ft = 144 sq inches
An average football ground is approx 73460 sq feet. 40 hectares is 4.30556e6 sq feet which means 58.6 or about 60 football fields would fit in.
Not sure if you mean eight sq yards or eightyone. 1 sq yard = 9 sq ft, so result is either 72 or 729
The total land area of the United States is approximately 2.3 billion acres. One football field is about 1.32 acres in size, so roughly 1.7 billion football fields would cover the entire United States.