here are my thoughts...
just sound it out.
Q-B ... Q-T ... Tom Brady
not there yet?
ill break it down for you.
QB cutey Tom Brady...
anyone with half a brain knows that theres no QB/QT position in football.
that's my story and im sticking to it.
Did you guys see that in the Boston herald. I did there is no qb/qt position so idk
It is an abbreviation for quart.
i think it means you're a "cutie"
it means cutie pie. QT= cutie and 3.14= pi so together= cutie pie ;)
There is an application called Talking cat 3d....u can find it in ovi store.... But in order to run it properly you must also install QT 4.7. and also QT mobility
13 qt is greater.13 qt is greater.13 qt is greater.13 qt is greater.
3.5 qt = 3.5 qt.
3 qt 3 qt
That's 18 qt less 7 qt ie 11 qt = 2 gal 3 qt
Fill 5 qt pail. Then from full 5 qt fill 3 qt pail. You now have 2 qt left in 5 qt pail. Now empty 3 qt pail then put the 2qt from 5qt pail into this 3 qt pail. Now refill 5 qt pail Use this top off 3 qt till full this leaves you with 4 qts in 5 qt pail
As far as the heart goes, this QT is part of the EKG and the QT is a section of the EKG. A prolonged QT interval is a risk factor for ventricular tachyarrhythmias and sudden death. In military usage UQT means: Unit Qualification Training.
4 gal & 3 qt