It means your not helping your side win, and your making it easier for the other team
Interleague is referring to within the league. If someone is playing an interleague team, they are playing someone in the same league as them.
In soccer this mean the home team is playing on their home ground in their home town that they represent; same in every other sport.
Team Quarterback. You continue to get points for who ever is playing qb for the team.
charlotte hughes smells of poo.
"I play for the club"
you can heelp others by showing them how to play at the same time as your playing :]!! hop you like the answer
They are wearing the same team cape as you.
That you are in it to win it. Do anything for the team. Wiling to sacrifice for the team. Basically doing what you can to make your team proud and your teammates will do the same..that is if they take it seriously.
Playing one game is an appearance, players are awarded international caps every time they play for their country.
It means you only follow the team when they are playing well. If they are loosing you do not show your support.
Lan is basicly playing against a person through using the same internet.
it depends, if your playing red rescue team then no, i would guess the same rule applies to blue rescue team though.