paola delgado means "(Paola)Small (Delgado)Crippled Man", i saw it on a website and that is what it said it meant. ...yeah....hope that helps some what :D
its personly someone preaty and verry smart from paola delgado
delgado means skinny
delgado normally means skinny in spanish
Thin, wispy, gaunt, and others: please see the link:
red cheek's
The name Paola is the name of a very peaceful (but violate at times) person. people by the name of paola can't get mad very easily and are very calm. People by Paola can make friends very easily.
The cast of Se ha muerto la tierra - 2009 includes: Sofia Lara Joana Paola Delgado
"Tania Delgado" is a name and does not have a specific meaning in and of itself. Names are used to identify and distinguish individuals.
The cast of Los chacales de Sinaloa - 1998 includes: Mario Delgado Bulfrano Moreno Paola Santoni John Solis
Carmelo Delgado Delgado died on 1937-04-29.
Carmelo Delgado Delgado was born on 1913-04-20.
Cristina Paola Then goes by Paola Then.