Owned in the fantasy Baseball sense simply means that a certain player is already on somebodies team.
A player can either be owned (taken already), a free agent (up for grabs), or on Waivers (depending on league it may take 2-3 days for approval to sign this player). If you are looking for what % owned means in fantasy baseball. It is the percent of all fantasy baseball teams who own that player
head to head
Yahoo.com and mlb.com have fantasy baseball
It stands for unavailable. But this can vary between what website you are using to play fantasy baseball. For Example: Yahoo Fantasy Baseball does not have a code for the letter "u".
There is no age limit. Most Fantasy Baseball leagues ARE free.
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The Fantasy Jungle was one of the first companies to offer online fantasy baseball games that pay cash as prizes, they also have info and several other sports they offer in but are one of the first i have seen. http://www.fantasyjungle.com
what does pre-owned mean
It is developed, published & owned by Square Enix, though the actual Final Fantasy franchise was originally created by Hironobu Sakaguchi.
It means by the way.
George Steinbrenner owned the Yankees.
email them saying what team you want deleted and in which league