A betting line in football betting is the selection that sits within a certain betting market. If you take a football match for example the betting line is the single selection from the three outcomes on offer - home win/draw/away win.
Line football betting is usually associated with American sport where bookmakers offer "line betting" on a handicap such as Money Line betting, which refers to odds on the outcome of an individual game.
One blue line means negative. Two blue lines means positive. No lines take a new test.
no your not pregnant if you have a half blue line
You could be or you could be and are loosing the pregnancy. Wait a week or two and retest to see what it tells you.
Usually a single line indicates a negative result and two lines means positive.
one line only is negative.. 2 is positive (doesn't matter if lines are faint)
Boundary line
It means your pregnant
Maybe. If that was what the test showed.
your pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One line is in reference to a line of cocaine.
The Tesco logo is one logo with a blue S and a red line underneath.