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It means they either had a lot of bad tattoos they wanted to cover up, or more simply, they just wanted to black arm.

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Q: What does it mean when a person tattoos there full arm black?
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it means NOTHING. stop looking for meaning in all tattoos. many tattoos are simply whimsical and fun or aesthetically pleasing. they don't all mean things. also, different designs mean different things to different people. there isn't an end all answer. try asking the person it's on what it means to them.

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it means NOTHING. stop looking for meaning in all tattoos. many tattoos are simply whimsical and fun or aesthetically pleasing. they don't all mean things. or try asking the person it's on what it means to them.

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it means NOTHING. stop looking for meaning in all tattoos. many tattoos are simply whimsical and fun or aesthetically pleasing. they don't all mean things. try asking the person it's on what it means to them.

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