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To run someone through is to take the sword and push it through the body in question until it pokes out the other end. It is often used in movies and literature by pirates or soldiers when threatening to attack. "I'll run ya through!" Hope it helps

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Q: What does it mean to run someone through such as with a sword?
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Saul committee suicide - (1 Samuel 31:4) Then Saul said to his armor-bearer: "Draw your sword and run me through with it, that these uncircumcised men may not come and certainly run me through and deal abusively with me." And his armor-bearer was unwilling, because he was very much afraid. So Saul took the sword and fell upon it.

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1 Chronicles 10:41 Samuel 31:4Then Saul said to his armor-bearer: "Draw your sword and run me through with it, that these uncircumcised men may not come and certainly run me through and deal abusively with me." And his armor-bearer was unwilling, because he was very much afraid. So Saul took the sword and fell upon it.

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electricity can run through it. For example... copper is a good conductor because it is used to run electricity through your house.

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electricity can run through it. For example... copper is a good conductor because it is used to run electricity through your house.