Being exempt means that the player is not on the roster due to special circumstances that are not covered by the other listed reasons. Some of the other reasons are injured, suspended, and military.
Exempt means, the security is exempt from registration with the state because of a myriad of reasons. If the issuer is exempt that means he is exempt from registration with the state.
Not tax exempt would mean that it is subject to taxes. Yes you would tax any thing that is not exempt from taxes in your business operation.
USUALLY the phrase means job descriptions which are not exempt from the overtime rules of federal wage law, and must be paid according to those laws. In government employment, exempt may mean exempt from civil service protections.
it means you have to pay your taxes
The the one receiving payment is a Government, or qualified tax exempt group, like a Church, or Charity.
It means that the milage is exempt. A car must be 10 years old or older for miles to be exempt.
Yes. ("Salaried" and "exempt" mean more or less the same thing; it means you're exempt from the laws concerning overtime, and can therefore be paid a salary rather than a wage.)
It refers to items that you don't pay taxes on.
what do you mean what team plays in the NFL there are several
It means for the type of income involved that because of special cirsumstances, you are not taxable on it. Like a Charity is exempt from paying taxes on many types of income that an ordinary company would have to.
IT people come under 'Exempt' Category.