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Q: What does it look like for the potions for softball?
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they look like nerds

What 3 dimensional figure does a softball look like?

A sphere !

Why do witches look like pickles?

they are mean green and bumpy!

What did softball mitts look like in the 1800s?

Softball mitts in the 1800's, looked like a huge mitten. They had a place for the thumb separate from the fingers. They had so much padding that it was difficult to catch a ball.

Are there any movies about softball?

There are some old movies about softball and baseball but you just have to look for them

What is a softball tournament?

a softball tournament is exactly like a baseball tournament, exept with softball

What did witches look like?

Like your normal everyday Human Beings.

What does a pentagon look like in softball?

The only pentagon shape in softball is home plate. It is five sided, a square base with a euclidean triangle on top. It is basically a white slab of rubber.

Why is the softball called the softball?

A softball is called a softball because its core is soft and sponge like. The outside is definately not soft but the core is!

What does an uglifruit look like?

well they are green and lumpy on the outside and about the size of a softball. But on the inside they are white and they peel just like a clementine(sp?).

How do you make throwing potions on Minecraft?

Throwing potions in minecraft are called splash potions. To make any splash potions you will need to add gunpowder to it by putting it in the brewing stand, like any other ingredient for the potion.

Which websites claim to sell love potions?

There is much controversy concerning love potions and in particular the authenticity and contents which some potions contain can mislead customers, be careful. Sites like spellmaker might offer suitable potions