Hab und Gut = worldly goods
Hab und Gut = belongings
Hab und Gut = chattels
what does it mean when your sterling have hab on it
Sleep well and I love you
Hab is the verb to have.
Depending on context, property can be translated as: Besitz Eigentum Immobilie Anwesen Grundstück Gut Eigenschaft Hab und Gut
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The root word "hab" means to have or to hold. It is derived from Latin and is the basis for words like habit, inhabit, and exhibit.
Hab' leider noch nicht alle anderen gehörttranslates as unfortunately (I) haven't heard all the others yet
The HAB Theory was created in 1976.
Ich habe Geburtstag translates as It's my birthday.
It means "I have something". The "da" depends on the context of the sentence.
Be gut means nothing in German. Gut means good, but Be means nothing in German.