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You can throw a football in a regular spiral motion, underhand, or end over end.

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Q: What does football have to do with aerodynamics?
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nno, it is not

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The Football is smaller for aerodynamics. The Basketball is just for throwing around and shooting hoops.

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aerodynamics can be tested by a wind tunnel

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the aerodynamics is the stupid answer that no one knows

What is the branch of aerodynamics?

internal aerodynamics and external aerodynamics. internal is related to flow of ducts and external to going away from the bodies.

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Alfred Gessow has written: 'Aerodynamics of the helicopter' -- subject(s): Aerodynamics, Helicopters 'A survey of computational aerodynamics in the United States' -- subject(s): Aerodynamics, Data processing

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In most cases, the bumps on a ball are used mainly for griping whether it be a basketball or a football. In few cases, bumps are used for aerodynamics.

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What is the study of aerodynamics called?

The study of aerodynamics is called aerodynamics. It deals with the motion of air and other gases and its effects on bodies moving through them, such as aircraft.