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it protects someone or something from danger such as a deers horns protect it from hunters and predator's

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Q: What does defence do?
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Here are the stats for the melee: Helmet: -5 magic attack and -2 range attack. 47 stab defence, 49 slash defence, 43 crush defence, -3 magic defence, and 48 ranged defence, and 12 summoning defence. Platebody: -20 magic attack. 92 stab defence, 108 slash defence, and 113 crush defence. -4 magic defence and 97 ranged defence, and 52 summoning defence. Platelegs: -25 magic attack and -2 ranged attack. 78 stab defence, 76 slash defence, and 83 crush defence. -5 mage defence and 75 ranged defence, and 25 summoning defence. Kiteshield: -10 magic attack and -4 ranged attack. 63 stab defence, 65 slash defence, 61 crush defence, -3 magic defence, 63 ranged defence, and 60 summoning defence.

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How could you use defence in a sentence?

They had a poor defence and lost the case. The defence of his reputation was important to him.

How do you spell defence?

In the US, defense. In the UK, defence.(see related link)In England, you spell it "defence." In the U.S., you spell it "defense."

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The motto of Ministry of Defence Police is 'Protecting the UK's Defence capability'.

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self defence number 1 self defence number 2 self defence number 3 self defence number 4 self defence number 5 self defence number 6 self defence number 7 self defence number 8 self defence number 9 self defence number 10