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= 2941.1417 Property subject to forfeiture - indictment specifications. = (A) Property is not subject to forfeiture in a criminal case unless the indictment, count in the indictment, or information charging the offense specifies, to the extent it is reasonably known at the time of filing, the nature and extent of the alleged offender's interest in the property, a description of the property, and, if the property is alleged to be an instrumentality, the alleged use or intended use of the property in the commission or facilitation of the offense. The specification shall be stated at the end of the body of the indictment, count, or information and shall be in substantially the following form: "SPECIFICATION (or SPECIFICATION TO THE FIRST COUNT). The grand jurors (or insert the person's or prosecuting attorney's name when appropriate) further find and specify that (set forth the alleged offender's interest in the property, a description of the property subject to forfeiture, and any alleged use or intended use of the property in the commission or facilitation of the offense)." (B) The trier of fact shall determine whether the property is subject to forfeiture. (C) The specification described in division (A) of this section may be used in a delinquent child proceeding. Effective Date: 07-01-2007


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Q: What does crime state number2941.1417 mean in Ohio?
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