It means that a player was taunting (making fun of, instigating, egging on) and that results in a technical foul. A free throw for the other team plus possession after.
personal foul
In Basketball, a foul, is a penalty for doing something against the rules of the game.
No retards
it means they fouled on someoe,like they pushed!!
Just because you score doesn't mean you foul. You can score 75 points and never commit a foul. It is unlikely but it can happen.
i think you mean a foul shot (free throw)
It is when you foul someone non-stop. You always foul out in a baskteball game. And you always push or lke slam someone, and foul them really badly.
any basket that is made when the defense is defending (ie not a free throw/foul shot)
Many, many, many things. However, let's assume that by "illegal" you mean illegal basketball wise. Then, holding the ball and swinging your elbows would be considered a foul (if you hit someone, of course).
Jeering means taunting and being derisive.
You mean synonym I believe.