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As in screening, screen door, and a screen (pick).

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Q: What does a radar porch and a basketball game have in common?
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Related questions

What is the most common basketball used for a basketball game?

nba : spalding euroleague: molten. i personally prefer molten

What was the odjective of the radar game?

To figure out what shape is on the radar.

Is the word basketball a noun?

Yes, the word basketball is a singular, common, compound noun; an abstract noun as the word for the game basketball; a concrete noun as the word for the ball for basketball. The noun basketball is a word for a thing.

What is the 23 game on norad tracks santa?

It is the radar game. You have to try to get all the colors on the radar. I think #nuffsaid B)

In basketball what is the most common cause of a player getting sent off?

Most commonly, a player is sent off a game when he reaches a number of five (in amateur basketball ) or six (in professional basketball).

Is basketball a winter game?

Yes, basketball is a winter game.

First basketball game?

first organized basketball game

Best mmorpg basketball game?

The best mmorpg basketball game is freestyle street basketball.

How many fans were in the first basketball game?

Its said that there were about 190 people at the 1st basketball game which was a high school basketball game.

How many referee in a basketball game?

there are two refferies in a Basketball game

How many periods in a basketball game?

A Basketball game has four quarters.

LeafGreen poke radar?

It's not in this game.