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Q: What does a football players contract look like?
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Related questions

What does a football player look like?

Football players can look from a variety of appearances, footballers look just like normal people.

Did the first football Players have pads?

November27,1906 look up the history of football safety.But the Football pads back in the 1800 and 1900 didn't look like ours just look it up

How many NFL players have been in the hospital?

how back does football and hospitals date back to? well thats way to far look for the year that the NFL started. then look for the single records of those football players up till 2012.

Why do guys just look at me but not talk to me even the football players at my school?

because guys are animals

What do eclipse look like?

like a round football

What does the first football look like?

They looked like the ones of today. Just a regular football.

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Do football players have train as a ballerina to get athletic enough to become an actual football player?

No they don't but it does help. Lynn Swann took ballet and look how great he was!

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Who jump higher basketplayers or football players?

It is a common misconcpetion that basketball players are the highest jumpers in sport. However, the vertical jumps of basketball players are lower than many other sports like football, discuss and shotput, olympic lifters etc... Basketball players are tall, and have long arms which makes dunking failry easy for them. If you look at the combine results you can see that football players are outjumping basketball players. Keep in mind that basketball requires more endurance than football so the training must be geared slightly more towards endurance then pure explosive movements. See the related link for the combine results and more info on this subject:

What are the white stripes on the football for?

fOr the grip.

Why do football players hold on to younger boys when they come into the stadium?

It gives the younger boys a chance to run into the stadium with their favorite players and football is not the only sport out there that does this. They mostly have little boys run out because maybe they little boys are in football and they want to show the crowd what future players look like at such a young age. Sometimes they even allow girls to run out there with the players. This also makes the little kids feel good about themselves because everyone is not only clapping for the player but they are also clapping for the little kid.