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Louisville Slugger 40BR Babe Ruth decal batThe Louisville Slugger bat you have 40B.R. would be a A Babe Ruth (B.R.) model. The designation 40 BR was a secondary line of retail store model bats but some were made with a decal on the barrel and you did not mention this, nor did you mention his name being on the barrel if you had a signature model bat.

Because you did not mention that the bat has anything on the barrel I believe you have a decal bat without the decal, which has worn away.

With a decal bat the bulk of the value will rely on the condition of the decal and the percentage that is left. A bat with 80-90 percent of the decal could sell in the $1,000. price range and upwards to the $4,000. range. Without the decal it will have a very low value. Maybe in the $50. price range. The decal is everything. The 36 on the knob indicates that the bat measures 36 inches.

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Q: What does a 40 br louisville bat mean when it has a 36 on the bottom?
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How can you tell if a bat is a store model or authentic?

With Louisville slugger, and Adirondack bats in short, if your bat has the size stamped into the knob it is a store model bat. This is placed there to help the buyer identify the size of the bat. Examples of this would be number like; 6, 06 036, 36, MM6, PR6. These marking will indicate a 36 inch bat. When letters proceed the number like MM6 or PR6 it is indicating the player model initials followed by the size, In this case MM6 Mickey Mantle 36 inch, and PR6 Pete Rose 36 inch. Game used, and Professional model bats are two different animals. A game used bat would have to come with the proper paper work, or a letter of provenance showing the chain of custody from the player that used the bat to the person that currently owns the bat. Without this you just have a pro model bat. It would otherwise be difficult to prove that the bat was actually used by the player. Adirondack Professional model bats will typically have the model number on the knob followed by a Letter. for example Hank Aaron used a 63 A, Mickey Mantle used a 288 D. Louisville slugger began using model numbers on the knob in 1943 then moving the model number to the barrel in 1977.

How do you determine if a baseball bat is game used?

Game used - Game Issued With Louisville slugger, and Adirondack bats in short, if your bat has the size stamped into the knob it is a store model bat. This is placed there to help the buyer identify the size of the bat. Examples of this would be number like; 6, 06 036, 36, MM6, PR6. These marking will indicate a 36 inch bat. When letters proceed the number like MM6 or PR6 it is indicating the player model initials followed by the size, In this case MM6 Mickey Mantle 36 inch, and PR6 Pete Rose 36 inch. Game used, and Professional model bats are two different animals. A game used bat would have to come with the proper paperwork, or a letter of provenance showing the chain of custody from the player that used the bat to the person that currently owns the bat. Without this you just have a pro model bat. It would otherwise be difficult to prove that the bat was actually used by the player. Adirondack Professional model bats will typically have the model number on the knob followed by a Letter. for example Hank Aaron used a 63 A, Mickey Mantle used a 288 D. Louisville slugger began using model numbers on the knob in 1943 then moving the model number to the barrel in 1977. For example a K55 Mickey Mantle pro model would have K55 on the knob as opposed to the store model bat with K55 appearing on the barrel. Dating the bat could be important.

What is the value of a Philip Cavarretta model bat?

In general the bat could be from 1934 - 1955 and could have a value of $40. - $100. in excellent -near/mint condition. In used but not abused condition $30. -$40. and in poor condition in the $20. price range. A pro model bat will sell for more.There are many factors needed to put an accurate value on this Philip Cavarretta bat. Make, model, size, age, and condition.Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger the most popular bat maker has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made. Visit the Louisville Slugger bat dating guide located below (Related Links). You can match the markings on your bat with the easy to use bat dating chart to get an approximate date for your Louisville Slugger bat.Store model, Professional model or game used. With Louisville slugger, and Adirondack bats in short, if your bat has the size stamped into the knob it is a store model bat. This is placed there to help the buyer identify the size of the bat. Examples of this would be number like; 6, 06 036, 36, MM6, PR6. These marking will indicate a 36 inch bat. When letters proceed the number like MM6 or PR6 it is indicating the player model initials followed by the size, In this case MM6 Mickey Mantle 36 inch, and PR6 Pete Rose 36 inch. Game used, and professional model bats are two different animals. A game used bat would have to come with the proper paper work, or a letter of provenance showing the chain of custody from the player that used the bat to the person that currently owns the bat. Without this you just have a pro model bat. It would otherwise be difficult to prove that the bat was actually used by the player. Adirondack Professional model bats will typically have the model number on the knob followed by a Letter. for example Hank Aaron used a 63 A, Mickey Mantle used a 288 D. Louisville slugger began using model numbers on the knob in 1943 then moving the model number to the barrel in 1977. For example a K55 Mickey Mantle pro model would have K55 on the knob as opposed to the store model bat with K55 appearing on the barrel.

How long is Derek Jeter's baseball bat?

"A MLB bat can be no more than 42" in length. Jeter uses a 36" bat." That horseshit,Jeter doesn't swing a 36" bat. Hell i think the longest is Ryan Howard and i believe he swings a 36" bat. Nobody swings a 42". Jeter probably swings a 32 or 33. Not a 36" , that's a load of crap.

What is the value of a Ed Matthews bat?

In general an Ed Mathews store model bat is worth about $80. -$110. in excellent condition. A bat in unused mint condition will sell for more. There are many other factors besides condition, on putting a value on your bat. Size, brand, age, and if it is a store model, or pro model bat will or factor into value. The size, and model number closest to the bat the player used will be of the most value. Little league bats will sell for less. A Louisville Slugger would be of the highest value. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made. Visit the Louisville Slugger bat dating guide below (Related Links). You can match the markings on your bat with the easy to use bat dating chart to get an approximate date for your Louisville Slugger bat. I will also leave a link to a Adirondack bat dating guide. With Louisville slugger, and Adirondack bats in short, if your bat has the size stamped into the knob it is a store model bat. This is placed there to help the buyer identify the size of the bat. Examples of this would be number like; 6, 06 036, 36, EM6. These marking will indicate a 36 inch bat. When letters proceed the number like EM6 it is indicating the player model initials followed by the size, In this case EM6 Eddie Mathews 36 inch. Game used, and Professional model bats are two different animals. A game used bat would have to come with the proper paper work, or a letter of provenance showing the chain of custody from the player that used the bat to the person that currently owns the bat. Without this you just have a pro model bat. It would otherwise be difficult to prove that the bat was actually used by the player. Adirondack Professional model bats will typically have the model number on the knob followed by a Letter. for example Hank Aaron used a 63 A, Mickey Mantle used a 288 D. Louisville slugger began using model numbers on the knob in 1943 then moving the model number to the barrel in 1977. For example a K55 Mickey Mantle pro model would have K55 on the knob as opposed to the store model bat with K55 appearing on the barrel.

When was a 6 bat signed by mickey mantle have been made?

The information that you have provided is not enough to date the bat. The 6 on the knob is an inch mark, a term used with baseball bats referring to the number stamped into the knob of the bat indicating the length on store model bats. the number 6 would indicate that the bat is 36 inches. Model number is not an inch mark. The signature on the barrel is most likely a facsimile signature as the bat is endorsed by Mickey Manlte. Even if the 6 appears in the center label, more information would be needed. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made. Visit the Louisville Slugger Bat Dating guide link located below. (Related Links) You can match the markings on your bat with the easy to use bat dating chart to get an approximate date for your Louisville Slugger bat. I will also leave a link below for an Adirondack Bat Sating Guide.

How much is a baseball bat signed by Pete Rose worth?

The Bat you have is referred to as a signature model bat, which is a Pete Rose endorsed bat. Many factors will effect the value of the bat including if it is a professional model, store model, the size, condition, and make of the bat. With Louisville slugger, and Adirondack bats in short, if your bat has the size stamped into the knob it is a store model bat. This is placed there to help the buyer identify the size of the bat. Examples of this would be number like; 6, 06 036, 36, MM6, PR6. These marking will indicate a 36 inch bat. When letters proceed the number like MM6 or PR6 it is indicating the player model initials followed by the size, In this case MM6 Mickey Mantle 36 inch, and PR6 Pete Rose 36 inch. Game used, and Professional model bats are two different animals. A game used bat would have to come with the proper paper work, or a letter of provenance showing the chain of custody from the player that used the bat to the person that currently owns the bat. Without this you just have a pro model bat. It would otherwise be difficult to prove that the bat was actually used by the player. Adirondack Professional model bats will typically have the model number on the knob followed by a Letter. for example Hank Aaron used a 63 A, Mickey Mantle used a 288 D. Louisville slugger began using model numbers on the knob in 1943 then moving the model number to the barrel in 1977. For example a K55 Mickey Mantle pro model would have K55 on the knob as opposed to the store model bat with K55 appearing on the barrel.A Pete Rose 125 Louisville slugger store model bat is worth between $30.-$50. in excellent -near/mint condition, more or less depending on when the bat was made. Value can vary based on bat model, era made, size, and condition. Your bat could have been made during the 1980's, and would be worth less than a bat made during the 1960's Little league bats 31 inch or less will sell at a lower value.The dating of the bat is one of the most important factors on value along with condition. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made.By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made. Visit the LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BAT DATING guide, or the ADIRONDACK/ RAWLINGS BAT DATING guide, links located below (Related Links). You can match the markings on your bat with the easy to use bat dating chart to get an approximate date for your bat.

What channel is lifetime movie network in Louisville on cable?

36 AND 69

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