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Some gums Wrigley makes are Orbit, Big Red, Eclispe, Extra, 5, and many more!

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Q: What does Wrigley make?
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Does Wrigley gum sponsor Wrigley Field?

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How much money does Wrigley gum company make?

$1,000,000,000,000 a year

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Wrigley's Spearmint was developed by William Wrigley Jr.

What is the birth name of Bill Wrigley?

Bill Wrigley's birth name is William Wrigley.

Where in Oklahoma did William Wrigley make his first chewing gum?

Guthrie, Oklahoma.

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10 a hour

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Thomas Wrigley has written: '\\'

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Tony Wrigley was born in 1931.

When was Wrigley Company created?

Wrigley Company was created in 1891.

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The population of Wrigley Company is 16,000.

When was Arthur Wrigley born?

Arthur Wrigley was born in 1912.

When did Arthur Wrigley die?

Arthur Wrigley died in 1965.