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It stands for "Special Exempt". From the tennis warehouse forums :

"A player qualified to and who wishes to apply for Special Exempt status must do so by personally notifying either verbally or in writing the ITF Supervisor/Referee prior to the time that the qualifying draw is made. If there are not sufficient Special Exempt places in the main draw for all the applicants, the players shall be selected in accordance with their rankings on the latest approved computer ranking list available. If there is no qualifying competition, or if Special Exempts are not needed prior to the time that the qualifying draw is made, then the places in the Main Draw reserved for Special Exempts shall become places for Direct Acceptances. The first two Alternates on the Acceptance List can preserve their eligibility for unused Special Exempt places by personally contacting the ITF Supervisor/Referee on-site prior to the qualifying sign-in Deadline. If the Special Exempt places are used then these Alternates are not eligible to play the qualifying. If a Special Exempt place is not so preserved, any unused Special Exempt places(s) shall be filled by entered players who have signed in for Qualifying to be selected in accordance with the rankings on the Acceptance List.

If prior to the Entry Deadline it is established that there will be no Special Exempts into a Futures Tournament or week 1 of a Satellite Circuit because there are no "Qualified Tournaments" in the week preceding the Tournament, then the places reserved in the Main Draw for Special Exempts shall become places for Direct Acceptances and will be indicated as such on the Acceptance List."

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