The abbreviation kp stands for kilopascal, a unit of pressure equal to .145 psi. Eighteen kp is about 2.6 psi.
It means that the card is in German.
Yes, when it is used as an abbreviation. It should be---KP.
What does 14 KP L&L
What does 14 KP L&L
The Ig KP 501
KP does not stand for anything in weight. KP = kilopascal is a measurement unit for pressure - which is NOT weight.
KP Media was created in 1995.
KP Snacks was created in 1853.
KP Appanna was born in 1988.
KP Namboodiris was created in 1925.
If you mean 29p+1 = kp, then only 1: p = 29 If you mean 29p + 1 = kp then 3: p = 2, 3, 5