In what form exactly? It can mean Illinois Athletics, it can mean Italian Football, etc.
Mi piace il football
il = heelle = sheelle can also mean her
"I love football!" in English is Amo il calcio! in Italian.
"Soccer" is an English equivalent of the Italian word "calcio."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article is "il" ("the"). The pronunciation is "KAHL-tchyoh."The English loan word "football" also may used to mean "soccer." In such a case, the game of football that is not soccer and that is played in the United States of America is called "il football americano."
he has and he has
il joue au football pour Manchester United
il est (he is) vous êtes (you are) (but not "il etes": that does not exist)
Il veut means he wants
Kim il Sung Stadium
ONU in Bourbonnais, IL
il allait comment = how was he?