It is the 1 st person conjugation of the verb Fare.
It is not easy to translate for fa means to make/to do in Italian.
As in:
I am doing something - Sto facendo qualcosa
What are you doing? - Che cosa state facendo?
In the context of the song "fa fa l'americano"
The 1on1 translation is "it makes the American go"
Free translated it means: "I am doing something and that makes the American go!
Federal of Arts
Fullmetal Alchemist~ (right?)
There is no standard stat with the abbreviation of FA.
Ia fa - So bye
Deck the Halls
Fa Fa was created in 1998.
do do re do fa mi do do re do sol fa do do do la fa fa mi re tib tib la fa sol fa do do re do fa mi do do re do sol fa do do do la fa fa mi re tib tib la fa sol fa
Salut: "You are going to do" (but there is no - between fa and ire.
FA CUP mean Football Association Challenge Cup
pt (patent) fa (firearms) mfg (manufacturer)
tong fa kata of matu higa no. no joke
If u mean what notes then so=G, fa=F