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Q: What do you call in olden days a place in the country where one could eat and drink and stay the night?
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Can you use olden in a sentence?

Yes - for example, you could say: 'In the olden days', and it would make sense.

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They had nothing else and they didn't know that water carried disease.

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Itwas'nt a Country Just some gangs in Plaistinearmed By USA.

How did ships move in olden times?

Please rewrite. Tell us what you mean by " olden times". That could be 20 years ago to a 1000 years ago.

What is the meaning of Ships in the Night by Gerald Graff?

meaning you can pass close by someone and not see them. Could be, but in terms of that essay I think it was referring to how ships at night (in the olden days) were helpless, subject to the winds and waves of the night, they had to wait until morning to get control of the ship, but it was about a person that didnt have any control over certain situations at that time.

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well in the olden days they thought when you are ill its good 4 u but nower days not a tall no matter what

What kind of games did the adults play in the olden days?

Which "olden days?" That could mean any time period from the mid-late 20th century back to Neolithic times.

Can you name a European country that starts with p?

Portugal. In the olden days, there was also a kingdom called Prussia.

What are some facts about the olden day microscope?

You can see more then you could with the naked eye.

Disadvantages of telling time the olden way?

sundial could be in a shadow and give no clues

What did huntsman did in the olden times?

Not sure what you mean by "olden times" that could be yesterday or a thousand years ago. You all ready know the answer to your question it is in the question . He is called a huntsman because he hunts.