They are not stars they are Buckeye's, and they are awarded to players for outstanding plays.
Stars on Stars - 2007 The Best of Stars on Stars 1-9 was released on: USA: 11 May 2007
Put in Star signs. There's PISCES (stars), VIRGO (stars), ARIES (stars), CANCER (stars), SAGITTARIUS (stars), LIBRA (stars), GEMINI (stars), LEO (stars), SCORPIO (stars), CAPRICORN (stars), AQUARIUS (stars), and TAURUS (stars). I think that's all the Star signs. Good luck!
Shooting stars are not stars. They are bits of dirt and dust that burn up in our atmosphere, briefly making them look like stars. Most of that is debris is from comets or others bits of dirt in space, but they are not stars and were not stars. So stars do not become shooting stars.
Red stars are cooler than blue stars
stars alligning
main sequence stars
No, most stars are not giants. The group with more stars is Main Sequence Stars.
Estimated at 200-400 billion stars.
They are called Core Burning Stars the smallest one is OGLE-TR-122b.
The stars that are red are the coolest of all stars temperature wise. The hottest stars are blue, and medium cool stars are white or yellow.
No, not all dwarf stars are failed stars. Only brown dwarfs are called "failed stars".