The Forward otherwise known as a striker is the one who attempts to score goals within a soccer squad. A few famous forwards in the soccer world are Fernando Torres, Samuel Eto'o and Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
Generally, they form the "offense" of a team and are most likely to score goals.
On the other hand, soccer is a very fluid game, and at different times, every player may be asked to play defense or "attack." All part of the game.
Forwards are responsible for leading the teams attack on their opponents. Although the entire team is involved in every aspect of the game, the forwards control the attacking third of the field. These players are typically the fastest sprinters on the team.
i do not know about everyone but where i play the forwards play offense. They go up in front of the ball at almost all times, to give the mid-fielders an option to pass too. They usually stay out of the circle when in defense. There are four people on forward in a game of fh. i do not know about everyone but where i play the forwards play offense. They go up in front of the ball at almost all times, to give the mid-fielders an option to pass too. They usually stay out of the circle when in defense. There are four people on forward in a game of fh.
There are 3 forwards in Field Hockey. Left Wing, Centre Forward and Right Wing. Their jobs crucially are to score the goals. Centre forward plays a 'high game', meaning they rarely cross the defending side of the half way line. They should be there for any of the midfields to hit the ball to and in this situation they must take the ball up the remainder of the pitch to score a goal, they may pass to either wing.
The jobs of the wings are to receive the ball from a 'hit-out' and take the ball the whole pitch if possible. The wings should be fit, quick and generally have the most skill on the team.
fullbacks, midfielders and forwards
In ice hockey there are three forwards, Right wing, left wing, and center. There is two defenseman and one goalie.
In field hockey: Midfielders... There are usually 4 of them with 3 forwards and 3 defense-men and 1 goalie. In ice hockey: Defensemen. They come in pairs with 3 forwards (Left Wing, Centre, and Right Wing) and one goalie.
Move two back or roll through centers
pushing itpulling itshooting it having intercourse with itpushing it
A 'face off' takes place at center ice between two teams top forwards.
6 at the minumim but at least 9 and 2 goalies and 6 defense
Rescue Me
Kind of like a left midfielder, or sometimes they play in between the forwards and the midfields on the left side.
I'm glad some one asked this question. a lot of people probably have this question what do forwards do in hockey ? well the centers job is to skate up and try scoring as well as getting back to help the defence. the wingers help get the puck in to the opposite side by giving the defence and center more passing options as well to score goals.
'Straight' means to pass the ball directly forwards, in a line parallel to the sidelines, i.e. straight up the field.
Forwards: Score goals. Midfielders: Run around to help both forwards and defenders. They usually take free hits. Defenders: Defend the circle. Sweeper: Stays back and helps the goalie. Goalie: Protects the goal.