Small, a bit elongated, black and hard but with ends that look cut, not tapered.
Deer droppings
YES, because a mole is brown like mouse droppings
American cockroach droppings look like little small round balls.
Chipmunk droppings do look like mouse droppings. It can be difficult to tell the difference between the two. However, chipmunk droppings are a tiny bit larger.
small raisans
Their droppings will be wateringWatery doodie.
They look like dry coffee grounds
The droppings are the same size and shape as a grain of rice, and they are very dark brown.
Not exactly. Elk have droppings that are a little bit larger than the droppings you'd find from deer. They do look similar (as they are both in the form of droppings) but size is the big differential.
brown circles
It looks like mouse droppings. (small ovals)
Hedgie poo is kinda like sticky rat droppings