some catchers wear batting gloves underneath their gloves, while others don't wear anything. i personally like to go glove-less underneath my glove
Yes, they use a catchers mit, its wider with more room.
dont know whos signature it is, but it's not a catchers mit. i used one when i was little, maybe 15-20 yrs ago. it's a first baseman's mit
No, but if your in the little league you shouldn't wear a Major Leage sized catchers mit. It could be as large or small as you want, but make sure that the manager or coach accepts it, and most importantly make sure that it fits you.
Typically a good catchers mitt will weight under 2lbs. Akadema Praying Mantis pro level Catchers mitt weights approx. 1lb 8oz.
clothes and under ware and shoes and tighty wightys
It's in season seven, I don't remember which episode though
no, bloomers are like shorts and underware is something you need to ware with bloomers.
my mum
Not usually. You just wear gym shorts, or your regular sports pants.