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Q: What do basketball players that covers there arm?
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What muslels do basketball players use in the game of basketball?

All Of your muscles mainly your arm and lg muscles.

What do college basketball players wear on their arm?

Some people wear sweatbands or wristbands, but not everyone does.

Some basketball players wear a full length arm elastic support what is it called?

it is called a "sleeve" its to keep sweat off your shooting arm

How many players to a basketball team?

on the Syracuse basketball team there is 18 players

Would a shooting sleeve on your arm actually help in a basketball game?

it should defintly so players can shoot better i wish i envented that

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Are there any dead basketball players?

Yes, there are dead basketball players.

Why do some NBA players wear those covers socks or whatever their called on one of their arms?

Those are actually called "shooting sleeves" and basketball players wear them to help maintain their shooting form.

Where and when were the first basketball players paid?

The first time basketball players got paid was in 1896

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The uniforms of basketball players are called "skirts"

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