What does R & O stand for?
The "ro" in the SARS1 user manual likely stands for "read-only," which typically indicates that the user has view-only access and cannot make any changes or edits to the content.
None. The R countries are RE - Reunion, RO - Romania, RU - Russia, and RW - Rwanda. Serbia was added as country code RS in 2006.
If you hear the ro! ro! ro! ro! sound in front of the arrow thing the arrow thing will eat you!
Angela Ro Ro was born in 1949.
Ro Ro is a "Roll On, Roll Off Vessel"
A ro ro jetty is a construction of a wharf where vehicles can make their way on and off. It is called ro ro because it is a "roll on roll off" construction.
Ro Dempsey goes by Ro.
Fus Ro DAH = Fuhs Ro DAH (Food-Foos)(BAH-DAH) FUS RO DAH!
Well it means nothing, its just a Lego game / block get it? Roblox. but the meaning to ro means nothing. Robots+blocks=Roblox
Be-Ro was created in 1875.
This abbreviation is RO.