Washed up
When the water is closest to the beach, it is high tide. High tide is when the water level is at its peak, covering more of the beach area. Low tide is when the water level is at its lowest, exposing more of the beach.
It is only possible to cross the river at low tide. The tide rolled in and demolished the sand-castle.
Todays foxton beach tide 8.30 am low tide 10.15 am high tide 1:00 pm low tide 4:00 pm high tide 7:00 pm low tide
When its dark on the beach that's when a tide occurs
California Beach Tide.
When gravitation pull is at its strongest, we have spring tides. The spring tide reaches far up the beach at high tide, and also goes far down the beach at low tide.
When gravitation pull is at its strongest, we have spring tides. The spring tide reaches far up the beach at high tide, and also goes far down the beach at low tide.
On a spring tide, the sea comes high up the beach and then goes low down the beach. A neap tide goes high and low between the range of a spring tide (half way up and half way down the beach).
The tide was rising quickly, threatening to submerge the sandcastle we had just built on the beach.
To get to the other tide!