It said:
"Resolved That we view with feelings of the deepest regret the manner in which the Govt of the Republic of Mexico is administered by the present dinasty [sic] -The repeated violations of the constitution-the total disregard of the laws-the entire prostration of the civil authority; and the- substitution in its stead of a military despotism, are greivances [sic] of such character, as to arouse the feelings of every freeman, and impel him to resistance.
Resolved That we view with feelings of the deepest interest, and solicitude, the firm manly resistance, which is made by the highly talented and distinguished Cheiftan [sic] - General Santa Anna, to the numberless encroachments and infractions, which have been made by the present administration, upon the Constitution and laws of our adopted and beloved country.
Resolved That as freemen devoted to a correct interpretation, and enforcement of the constitution, and laws, according to their true Spirit-We pledge our lives and fortunes in support of the same, and of the distinguished leader who is now so gallantly fighting in defence of civil liberty.
Resolved That the people of Texas be invited to cooperate with us in support of the principles incorporated in-
13th June 1832"
It said:
"Resolved That we view with feelings of the deepest regret the manner in which the Govt of the Republic of Mexico is administered by the present dinasty [sic] -The repeated violations of the constitution-the total disregard of the laws-the entire prostration of the civil authority; and the- substitution in its stead of a military despotism, are greivances [sic] of such character, as to arouse the feelings of every freeman, and impel him to resistance.
Resolved That we view with feelings of the deepest interest, and solicitude, the firm manly resistance, which is made by the highly talented and distinguished Cheiftan [sic] - General Santa Anna, to the numberless encroachments and infractions, which have been made by the present administration, upon the Constitution and laws of our adopted and beloved country.
Resolved That as freemen devoted to a correct interpretation, and enforcement of the constitution, and laws, according to their true Spirit-We pledge our lives and fortunes in support of the same, and of the distinguished leader who is now so gallantly fighting in defence of civil liberty.
Resolved That the people of Texas be invited to cooperate with us in support of the principles incorporated in-
13th June 1832"
Turtle = Testudo
To say the word turtle in the Greek language you say chelona. In the Latin language this word is said as turtur.
You also say "bayou" in French. UR SO STUPID A la personne qui a répondu : pas besoin d'insulter. Si t'es pas content(e) répond pas.
Turtle (english) = aama (malayalam)
Do you mean TURTLE? If so, turtle = Laumei.
You might be able to find an essay about New Year's resolutions on a site that sells essays, or you could write one in your own unique style and say what only you would say.
you say You resemble a turtle in French like this, Vous ressemblez a une tortue.
Turtle in Fijian is = Vonu pronounced Voh/Knew.