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Q: What did roy have to do to get off the bus in a hurry?
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Re write the sentence using with ifnot You will miss the bus unless you hurry up?

hurry up, if not you will miss the bus

What is the past tense of the the verb hurry?

The past tense of hurry is hurried. As in "they hurried after the bus".

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word hurry?

I had to hurry to catch the bus before it left the stop.

What is the adverb of hurry?

The adverb of hurry is hurriedly.An example sentence is: "she hurriedly rushed out the door to catch the bus".

What is the second chapter of HOOT about?

The second chapter of "Hoot" by Carl Hiaasen continues to follow the main characters, introducing new conflicts and plot points. It focuses on the development of the story and the progression of the characters' actions and motivations.

What has the author Roy A Renner written?

Roy A. Renner has written: 'Reviewing the California steam bus project'

What did Roy from the movie Hoot see from the bus window?

Roy saw a bare foot boy running.

Is hurry a noun?

Yes, the word 'hurry' is both a noun and a verb (hurry, hurries, hurrying, hurried). The noun 'hurry' is a singular, common, abstract noun. Example uses: Noun: What's your hurry? Noun: The hurry of the trip was so exhausting. Verb: If you don't hurry, you'll miss the school bus.

What is past tense of hurry?

Hurried.Example: Craig hurried up by packing his bags faster.An hour later, Craig then hurried so he wouldn't miss the bus.

Who is Dana Matherson from the book Hoot?

Dana Matherson is a bully in the book "Hoot" by Carl Hiaasen. He is known for tormenting the main character, Roy Eberhardt, and intimidating other students at Trace Middle School. Dana plays a significant role in the story as a foil to Roy's efforts to protect a colony of burrowing owls.

Is facebook really closed in march?

Yes they taking a holiday, they going to use twitter while off so get all your freinds notified hurry hurry hurry.

How does Roy in hoot overcome Dana Matherson bullying him?

by not taking the bus and just ignoring him