Evra accused Suarez of calling him a 'negro' at a match in October of 2011.
Yes, because people say he didnt know English when he knew very well it would offend Patrice Evra.
Luis = Lui
¿Quién es Luis?
Jose Luis is not an idiom. It is a name.
You could say Luis es lo más inteligente de todos.This means 'Luis is the most intelligent out of everyone'
The cast of Hanna Say Hi - 2013 includes: Hanna Suarez
The name "Luis" is pronounced as "loo-ees" in English.
It is difficult and almost impossible to determine the effectiveness of a drug when it is not used according to directions. This principle applies to Ortho Evra and Evra (the contraceptive patch) as well. The instructions for Ortho Evra and Evra both say that if you miss the schedule by more than one day (by keeping a patch on for 1 day too long, by losing a patch for more than one day, or by forgetting to put a new patch on for more than one day), that you could get pregnant. The instructions advise putting on a new patch, and letting that day being your new start day. After 7 days, the instructions say, you can have sex again without a barrier device.
For Luis is Ruiisu, i have not looked into Louis.
The instructions for Ortho Evra and Evra (the contraceptive patch) both say that if you miss the schedule by more than one day (by keeping a patch on for 1 day too long, by losing a patch for more than one day, or by forgetting to put a new patch on for more than one day), that you could get pregnant. The instructions advise putting on a new patch, and letting that day being your new start day. After 7 days, the instructions say, you can have sex again without a barrier device.
To introduce Luisa, you would say to another person: Te presento a Luisa. (This is for the informal you: tú) It you would like to say this formally: Le(s) presento a Luis. (The 'le' refers to Ud. and the 'les' refers to Uds)