Magic Johnson is no longer a Seventh Day Adventist
Seventh-day Adventist
Magic Johnson has a net worth of $900! actually i heard on sc the other day, $2.41 mil
From a well known source, he pays around $10,000 per day.
Well, he trained hard a lot, practiced every day. That kind of stuff.
1992, after he won the olympic gold medal with the Dream Team in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics
your mom quit runescape a day
yes it does serve alchohol
one cup of tar a year for a pack a day smoker....good luck if you wish to quit!
50 cents on a good day
Yes, Santa only does his magic on Christmas Eve. Every other day of the year he is just as normal as you.
A serf could quit there job, but they would have to escape and remain away from there lords land for one year. Then they would be free and were a average day peasant's.