the god of love
Venus was named for the Roman goddess Venus, who is associated with Aphrodite.
The Greek goddess of Venus was Aphrodite.
Venus (the planet) Venus (Roman god of love) Aphrodite (Greek god of love)
Venus is Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. The Romans called her Venus.
Aphrodite. The planet Venus is named after her, the Goddess of Love. Venus the the Roman name of Aphrodite
venus is named after the roman god of love and beauty.
Venus is named after the roman god of beauty.
yes. venus is the roman version of aphrodite
Venus had the power of love and he also hypnotized
This may come as a surprise, but the god is "Venus". OK you maywant details about Venus. She was the goddess of love and beauty. Unfortunately, the planet Venus looks nice, but is very hostile to human life.