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A gift card to his favorite store.

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Q: What could you bye for your 44 year old dad on his birthday?
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What would a 44-year-old dad want for his birthday?

i'm sure he would be just happy to have you celebrating his birthday. but if you much, i recommend a hand made card to surprise your dad :)

What is a good birthday gift for a 39 year old dad?

a new car red

What is national empowerment?

i dont know ask your mom or dad bye bye little boy

When is Justin biebers mom and dads birthday?

Justin Bieber's mom's birthday is on April 2,1976. Justin Bieber's dad's birthday is on June 4. Sorry I don't know the year.

What did Bella Swans dad get her for her birthday?

The orange truck was a homecoming gift her dad bought off of Billy Black. Her dad actually got her a digital camera to go along with her moms gift of a scrap photo album of memories from her senior year.

What can you do on your birthday with you dad and 2 friends?

You could go to the cinema, go swimming and your dad could sit on the side. You could go shopping and get your dad to buy you something nice. There are lots of possibilities

What are Justin Bieber dad birthday?

Jeremy Bieber (Justin Bieber's dad) 's birthday is July 4

How do you make a good birthday gift for your dad?

simple... u could dooo origami, etc... wanna hook up?

When did Mariah write bye bye?

Her song bye bye is related 2 her dad who died in 2002 but she didn't mean it 2 be headed at her dad who died of cancer she wrote the song so that if somebody else's relitive die's then it would make them feel better and the song is saying the person who died will alway's be in your hearts and they will be looking down on them forever ! and you will never say bye bye ! so you will be saying just rest there for the minute !!! yes its true that it was dedicated too her dad who died but in 2004! :)

You just got a violin from your dad it was his grandpas you jst want to know what does fecit anno 19. mean?

Not sure what language that is, but it looks like it could either mean happy 19th birthday....or happy 19th year.

What song did Mariah Carey dedicate to her dad?

She wrote Sunflowers For Alfred Roy from the 2002 album Charmbracelet for her dad, and then in the 2008 album E=MC2 she wrote the song Bye Bye which is originally intended for her dad but she wrote it also for other people who also lost their loved ones.