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Q: What companies are looking to sponsor a softball team?
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You are a team mom on a 14u fastpitch softball traval team and you are looking for a sponsor would Academy Sports like to sponor us?

Not very likely. However you may have a chance if you are a Gold level team, travel extensively and are winning high profile tournaments.

Looking for some one to sponsor your baseball team?


How do you get sponsored playing football?

There are many companies that will sponsor a football team. A person just has to go to different companies and ask.

Does pepperdine university have a softball team?

No they do not have a softball team at Pepperdine.

Does Georgetown university have a softball team?

Yes, they do have a women's softball team.

Seven people joined the soccer team the rest joined the softball team there were 20 people that joined either the soccer or softball team how many people joined the softball team?

13 people joined the softball team. This is because 7 people joined the soccer team, leaving 13 to have joined the softball team out of the total 20 people who joined either team.

In softball which team bats first in a game?

The visiting team bats first in a softball game.

Who is the famous softball team?

team usa

Does Toyota sponsor a soccer team?

Yes! They sponsor BeÅŸiktaÅŸ from Turkey.

What is the best carlsbad softball team?

The CArlsbad Bluney Tunes are the best c-bad softball team

Does lassen high school in susanville have girls softball?

There is a girls softball team but it isn't related to LHS There is a girls softball team but it isn't related to LHS

What brand bats do the USA Olympic softball team use?

what kind of bats do the usa softball team use