I'm going to have to go with red because in the question, it says "What color is a red giant?"
Well its not always red, it might also be white or blue indicating that its bright and hot. But it is also red.
pinkish red
Red giants are so named because they appear predominantly red in color due to their relatively cooler surface temperatures compared to other stars. The color of a star can indicate its temperature and age.
A red panda's fur is like a reddish-brown.=A giant panda's fur color is black and white.=
Polaris is a red giant star.
It appears red, as it is a red supergiant. red is the color of Antares star.... RED! it is a super giant
yo dummy it is a red super giant so it is red
It is a red giant. so obviously it is red. hahaha loser..
A red giant star appears red in color due to its cooler surface temperature compared to other stars. The red color is produced by the cooler temperatures causing the star to emit more red light than other colors.
It's a giant red star.
Color is related to surface temperature, and a "red giant" is cooler than a main sequence, medium-sized star like the Sun.
Color is related to surface temperature, and a "red giant" is cooler than a main sequence, medium-sized star like the Sun.