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they are BLUE that's why there called Blue Jay

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

They have a blue crest, blue upper parts, a black "necklace," white under parts, some white flecking on their wings, a white wing bar and a black bill.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

they are brown but their skin refracts the light and turns them blue

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Q: What color is a Blue Jay?
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Jay McGuiness's favorite color is blue

What is jay mcguiness's favorite color?

Jay McGuiness's favorite color is blue

What is Jay-Z's favorite color?

Blue or light green

What color is a jay?

Blue with white markings.

Does jay z have his own color?

Jay-z does not have his own color for goodness sake in just regular BLUE!

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The blue jay is a bird and the crested iris is a flower. They are a similar color.

What is jay Sean favorite color.?

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What is the spirituaul meaning of blue jay?

The common jay of the United States (Cyanocitta, or Cyanura, cristata). The predominant color is bright blue.

What is Jay Z's favorite color?

Blue or light green

What is the name of a bird that is black, blue, and white in color?

The bird you are referring to is likely a Blue Jay.

Why was the blue jay chosen for provincial bird?

because of the color and they can fly

What is jay mcguiness favorite color?

i think its blue and thats my favourite colour too.