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Q: What colleges do the most pro soccer players come from?
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Related questions

Who is one of the most common soccer players?

David Beckham and Mia ham are the most known soccer players

Which county do most spanish speaking athletes who play soccer come from?

Most of the Spanish-speaking soccer (football) players in the European league are from Spain. Although there are also many players from Brazil, the native language of that country is Portuguese.

Do soccer players get calluses?

yes, most soccer players do get calluses. Its from the friction occurring in the cleat

How many soccer players are Muslims?

There are probably millions of Muslim soccer players. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world (by population), and is played in most (if not all) Islamic nations.

What country in the world has the most soccer teams?

Mexico has the most soccer players in the world. A close second to them is Brazil, the UK and America.

Where are players on the field in soccer?

11 on most

What soccer team has the most valuable players?


Most active players in the NBA by colleges?

Wilson Jerusalem

Who is more skilful soccer players or AFL players?

Soccer has clearly way more skillful players then AFL. Soccer is the most popular and the best game ever invented. To all the fans of AFL who think AFL is better than soccer just stick to the facts and you will find out which is better. For instance soccer is the most played sport and is also the most watched sport on the Earth.

What side of the net do most soccer players kick to to get a goal?

Soccer players usually aim to the far post from where they are shooting since it is tougher for the keeper.

What state produces the most pro soccer players?


Who were the most famous soccer players back in the 1800?
