Cleats for little league players use plastic cleats
yes, metal cleats are completely legal in pony league.
yes there is no rule on that.
no one is going to complain in little league
My highschool used Junior Mints, but some kinda lame ones are jamming juniors, jiving juniors, and jumping juniors
No there is a difference between baseball cleats and football cleats. Football cleats are used for traction and are screw in type, where as baseball cleats are not they are put there for keeps they also are longer in size. here is a site that explains what I am saying but better
Players can wear metal tipped cleats, plastic tipped cleats, or rubber cleats. Generally, rubber cleats are used when playing on artificial turf and are round. Cleats used outdoors are detachable and can be replaced with a different type or length depending on the playing conditions.
No but American football cleats can be used for lacrosse
most of them do, a couple dont but if your a big league plsy, use metal cleats they make you faster
Football cleats are heavier and more supportive, whereas baseball cleats are lighter. Baseball cleats can use metal spikes, while those are not used for football cleats. Studs on baseball cleats tend to have the same length, while for football cleats, the length varies. :D your welcome !
No. Pitchers can re-enter once in Juniors and above, but there is no re-entry as a pitcher in Majors and below in Little League.