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Q: What city is golden state worrier?
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exactly what it says a princess that is a worrier def of princess a female child of a king def of a worrier some one who fights. look up Xena the worrier princess

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Did Sparta become the most powerful city state during the golden age?

No, Athens became the most powerful Greek city-state.

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The nickname can be Big tomato, City of trees, Sactomato, Sac city, or the golden state.

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The Golden Gate bridge is located in San Francisco in the state of California.

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What events caused the Greek city-state to unite?

Um something about the golden age.

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The cast of The Worrier - 1928 includes: Richard Carle

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The city of Amarillo is located in the state of Texas. Meaning yellow or golden in Spanish, the city was originally called Oneida when it was founded in the nineteenth century.