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Through Super Bowl XLII: CBS - 16 times

NBC - 15 times

ABC - 7 times

FOX - 5 times NOTE: Both NBC and CBS televised the first Super Bowl, therefore, when adding up the numbers above you will come up with one more than the number of Super Bowl games played.

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FOX network is carrying the Superbowl today, Feb. 3 at 5:30 CST/6:30 EST.

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Pat Summerall - 16

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nbc and fox

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Yes. In the United States, it is being broadcast on FOX.

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Can the super bowl be seen on ABC or NBC channels?

No, its on Fox.

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The 2015 Super Bowl network has not yet been announced. Usually the Super Bowl will air on either FOX or CBS.

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Because tehre's lots of people there and it's broadcasted to a large world-wide audience!

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No just NBC.

What sporting event is the most watched in the US?

the most watched sporting event would be the Super Bowl. But also the Super Bowl is the most watched sporting event in the world with it being broadcasted to over 60 different countries around the world.

What channels on TV show Super Bowl and Pregame?

Your local FOX channel