You can do a softball experiment about pitching with a stopwatch.By:Shaniya Bane
You could see how high it bounces, how far it rolls, or how far it goes.
for a softball pitching machine varies from $140 to$300
what is the Illinois high school softball pitching distance
It all depends. Baseball and softball pitching mechanics are way different.
You can do it on if a aluminum or a wooden bat makes the ball go the farther distance! :) That got me an A.
what is the pitching distance for ten and under softball?
Much like baseball pitching, softball pitching is used to throw a ball towards the batter. In baseball they throw overhand but in softball when your pitching you wind up, load, and throw underhand. There are more pitches possible in the softball pitching than baseball. All pitched possible to be thrown by a softball pitcher are screw ball, change-up, fastball, curve ball, rise ball, drop ball, and knuckle ball.
You can use the laws of motion as exp. when you throw a ball. Also soft balls make good planets ^^.
an at bat
because of the kinetic energy ( the energy of motion) in hitting, pitching, running, and fielding.!! SOFTBALL RULES!!!
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