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Q: What can be done to stop the debt problem in LEDCs?
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What can be done to help solve the deforestation problem?

Stop cutting trees

What is it called to stop paying off debt?

To stop paying on a debt is to "Default" on the credit agreement.

When does interest stop accumulating for a debt owed to an estate by an heir?

Interest on a debt is not going to stop accumulating for a debt owed to an estate by an heir until the debt is paid off. Perhaps selling the estate will help the heir pay the debt off and stop the interest accumulation.

Will your spouse have to pay for your debt if you stop paying on it?

If your spouse co-signed the debt, they will have to pay your debt. In most cases, the answer will be no, it is your debt and you are responsible.

What should you do if you have a problem of cutting yourself?

Talk to a psychologist about how you can't stop cutting yourself. He can help you. If you have a good friend, talk to them. Surely they can help you in getting your problem done and over with.

In Texas can you stop a debt collector from contacting you?

You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by tell them not to contact you again. Failure to honor your request would be a violation of the law.

Can you stop a creditor from selling your account once you have filed bankruptcy?

No. The bankruptcy is to stop anyone who has a right to collect a debt from being able to collect, called the automatic stay. If the debt is listed in the correct debt owner's (creditor's) address and it is discharged, it does not matter who owns the debt.

What can be done to help solve the problem of deforstation?

i dont know maybe people could stop cutting down friggin trees

How do you stop collecting companies from calling your office?

Settle the debt or make a payment arrangement to settle the debt.

What is the statute of limitation on an auto loan in Oklahoma?

You either owe it or you don't, there's no statute of limitations. Practically speaking, if you no longer have the car, and the debt is years old, then all the damage to your credit that can be done, has been done, and you can pretty much stop worrying about it.

How do you get Microsoft word to stop buffering on iMac?

i have this same problem and i cant figure it out! Its been buffering for 3hrs and i hav to get my science fair done!

Can you get a debt collector to stop calling?

Yes: by paying what you owe.