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Q: What biomolecule is chemically digested in the stomach?
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What is chemically digested in the stomach?


Is food being broken down by enzymes in your stomach an example of a chemical change that happens in your stomach?

Yes because the food is chemically changing for example if you eat a hamburger it is not gonna come out as a hamburger when you go to the bathroom because your body digested it which chemically changed it.;)

Where is most of your food digested?

Most of the digestion of food occurs in the small intestine. This is where enzymes break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body. The small intestine is also where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.

What nutrient is chemically broken down in the stomach?

Protein is the primary nutrient that is chemically broken down in the stomach. The enzyme pepsin helps break down proteins into smaller peptides that can be further digested in the small intestine.

What is in a cows stomach?

Forage matter that is either digested or being digested, depending on which stomach chamber you are referring to.

What do digested proteins chemically breakdown into?

Amino Acid

What is the first nutrient to be chemically digested?

It is starch! I think

How is rice digested?

Rice is digested in the stomach. It breaks it up.

Where most food are digested?

Most food is digested in the stomach.

Where is Butter Digested?

Butter is digested in the Mouth, the Stomach and the Smal intestine.

What type of food is not digested by mouth and stomach but digested by enzyme?


Organ were digested food is absorbed?

Food is broken down or digested in the stomach but the nutrients are not absorbed in the stomach. Nutrients from digested food are primarily absorbed in the small intestine.