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wet would cause a friction in contact and in flight.

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Q: What baseball would go farther a wet or dry one?
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Will a tennis ball or baseball go farther?

A warm basball would travel further since the molecules in the ball are moving faster than if it was colder. Although this change of temperature would be very insignificant in everyday life. There would be a greeter affect in the distance if the bat was warm compared to the ball being warm. So if you wan't the ball to travel far have a warm bat and then it will have a lot of 'pop'. If you hit it with a bat, a warm ball will go further. The molecules in the ball are held together less tightly and are more bouncy, so instead of work being done by vibrating the bat, all energy is transferred into the ball.

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Does a baseball travel farther than a softball?

The baseball will travel farther because it is smaller. The smaller an object is, the less resistance it has to overcome to continue traveling. This is one of the reasons why a softball field is so much smaller than a baseball field. If softball was played on a baseball field, no one would be able to hit home-runs.

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