Very slim. Well it depends.
If you wanted to get in to football especially to become popular on a national level, you should of joined football before you graduated from high school.
I'm pretty sure there's an adult football league some where. But it will be limited to small tight knit community only.
That depends; who are you? If you were a past college football player who wants to return after playing four years, sorry, but you cannot return to play college football after your 4 years of eligibility are up.
Longer. He has been playing professional football since 1998, so that's 12 years there. Then add in his college (4 years) and high school (4 years) and however much youth football he played.
In college football, "The Death Penalty" is a term used when the NCAA rules that a University must discontinue playing intercollegiate football for one or more years. It happened a few years back with Southern Methodist University.
Tom Thompson, 61 years old. Austin College kicker.
Best College football record over the last 5 years
college football you only have 4 years to play and you don't get paid in nfl you get paid and choose when to quit
99 years
yes for 2 years.
0 they are not a top team in college football
Football players can usually only play in college for four years.
3 to 4 years
if you mean to go from college to the NFL, you need to be 3 years removed from your HS graduation.