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Volleyball is a very complex sport with many terms associated with it. Here are some subsections with words connected to them.


Middle Blocker/Hitter

Left Side Hitter

Right Side Hitter








Beach Dig





Roll Shot






4-2 (four hitters, two setters)

6-2 (six hitters, two setters)

5-1 (five hitters, one setter)

Types of Serve:

Standing Float

Standing Spin

Jump Float

Jump Spin

Deep Serve

Short Serve

Types of Sets:

A : A back row set aimed at the left side of the court. Also could be a quick set to the middle.

Back-Two: A ball set relatively high and to the middle or to the right side hitter, directly behind the setter.

Back-One: A ball set relatively low (or quick) to the middle hitter or to the right side hitter, directly behind the setter.

Bick : Similar to the "pipe", but set very low

C / D : A back row set aimed at the right side of the court.

Chaos: An outside in which the middle runs a one, the outside comes for a two off the middle's shoulder, and the weakside runs around the back to hit an outside 3.

Five / Back : Same as a four set, but to the weak-side.

Four : A high set to the outside hitter.

Hut / Loop : A lower set to the outsider hitter. Higher than a shoot.

One / Quick : A type of middle hit when the middle jumps before the setter sets, with the ball being set directly to the middle hitter's hand.

Pipe : A ball set toward the middle of the court for a back-row attack.

Shocker: A attack in which the Middle runs a one, the Opposite comes for a two off the middle's shoulder, and the Outside runs/slides around to hit a back-two.

Shoot : A variation on the quick set except instead of setting the ball to the middle the ball is set to the outside hitter.

Slide : An attack where the hitter fakes a quick-set (one) approach with his/her first step and subsequently chases the ball behind the setter and parallel to the net, jumps off one foot and hits the ball close to the antenna on the weak-side.

Ten : A ball set for a back row attack.

Three / Thirty-Three : A quick lower set to the outside.

Thirty-Two: An attack where the hitter fakes a quick-set (one) approach with his/her first step and subsequently chases the ball in front of the setter and parallel to the net, jumps off one foot and hits the ball in the outside 3 position. Generally used as adapted version of the Slide for left-handed hitters.

Two : A ball set to the middle hitter. Also, a "back two" is the same set set behind the setter.

Cross (X) : A play in which the middle hitter jumps for a one, and the weak-side hitter, having moved to the middle of the court, takes an approach for a two at the same location.

Thirty One / Inside Shoot : A play in which the middle hitter runs a one ball 5 to 10 feet away from the setter.

Stack / Tandem : Similar to the "cross" but the outside hitter hits the two ball.

Thirty Stack : A play in which the middle hitter runs a Thirty One and the Outside Hitter runs a Thirty Two

Hope this helps!

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